There's a "new kid" in the PHP conference world that was just announced at the end of last week - the PHP Community Conference happening in Nashville, TN April 21st and 22nd. Ben Ramsey, one of the organizers of the event has written a new post for his blog talking about some of the motivation behind the new conference.
I've long wanted to organize a community-driven PHP conference, as far back as 2004, when I helped form the Atlanta PHP user group. [...] I've seen conferences as both a speaker and an attendee, and from conversations with many other speakers and attendees, I knew it was time for something different. Unfortunately, I didn't know exactly what "different" should mean.
He talks about how the OSBridge conference was a sort of inspiration for him and his fellow organizers - a community-driven conference that wasn't the usual come-give-your-talk sort of event. The PHP Community Conference (like Brooklyn Beta before it) is more about sharing what you love and what you're doing with the language than about being technical. As they define it:
PHP Community Conference is a conference for people who care about PHP and the code they write with it.
Their Call for Papers is still open, so if you would like to be considered for a spot at this two day event, you can find out more on the PHP Community Conference website.